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Open Anti-Semite Accuses Young Jewish Man of Nazism & Genocidal Tendencies

On Wednesday, July 24th, 2019, while in Washington, DC, I was able to meet a young man my age, named Josh. He told me of an event that occurred to him earlier that day

On the North side of the White House, it isn’t uncommon to see people displaying messages or protests on the street. One of the protestors, in particular, had a miniature stand, with a Palestinian flag hanging with him, along with a tablet displaying messages, and a sign supporting “Palestinian Human Rights”.

Main protestor from the event.

“I decided to ask him why,” Josh tells Minutemen Media.

The man tells him that he is in support of Palestinian Human Rights, to which Josh plainly asks “What rights are being violated?”

After this statement, the video starts.

The man grew offended by this. “You are genocidal!” The man screams to Josh, who simply wanted an answer to the question. The man then says that Josh is “taking a platform” in front of him, and that he’s all about “stealing the thunder”. Josh faces the video taker, saying, “That’s all that I’m about. I forgot I’m all about that by the way.”

This is when the man claims that Josh is using “Nazi tactics”.

“The kicker is, I’m Jewish,” Josh tells us.

An argument ensues in the video, where the man openly stated that he is an “Anti-Semite Ethiopian, not Anti-Semite (idiot)!” Obviously, both are still Anti-Semitic.

“[M]y parents escaped persecution from anti-religion communists so they could live peacefully in a free country.” Josh’s parents were able to emigrate from The Federation of Russia in 1990’s, shortly after The Soviet Union of Russia collapsed in 1991. Though Russia was not communists anymore, the public attitude of socialism and anti-religion was still present.

“Israel has been the only free nation in the Middle East, with rights to [all groups], so to say to ‘free them’, is to lie, because they are already free... Israel has tried to extend peace over twelve times and it’s been shut down by the Palestinian authority, which has been infiltrated by a terrorist group.”

Palestine has had around 5 clear opportunities to became a free nation, but have either refused to or never went through with it.

This has been an unfortunate instance of open anti-semitism in America.


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