Before the true coronavirus pandemic hit the United States, Florida was in danger of having coronavirus results similar to Italy, but the state has only experienced a little over 2,000 coronavirus deaths. Despite these incredible results from the governor, Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis has received excessive criticism from the leftist media for reopening the state of Florida. These criticisms include that Florida will become "doomed" as coronavirus will kill more Floridians if the state reopens. Meanwhile, these same liberals praise New York, whose results are ten times worse than Florida with over 23,000 deaths. DeSantis has recently called out the liberal media for their constant propaganda against him.
At a press conference about reopening Florida, DeSantis addresses these liberal predictions towards Florida's coronavirus cases. He points out that the liberals first claimed that "Florida is going to be just like New York." However, that clearly has not happened yet. Despite that Florida one of the lowest results worldwide, the Left continues to make these claims against DeSantis and Florida. They do not want to recognize Florida's success as it "challenges their narrative" and "assumptions." The trending video of DeSantis' speech even appeared on Sean Hannity's segment on Fox News, where the governor has been praised for his actions during the coronavirus pandemic.
