Beginning on October 12, 2020, Amy Coney-Barrett began her hearings for the Supreme Court confirmation. During Day 1 of the hearing, the key focus that Democrats focused on attacking Barrett about ObamaCare. These Democrats claim that Barrett's role in the Supreme Court will end ObamaCare (Affordable Care Act). On just Day One, Democrats are grasping at straws to figure out someway to attack her. All the while, they avoided on bringing up her Catholic religion.
On Day 2, Barrett had an iconic moment in the hearing. As Barrett was sharing her intense knowledge without any reference. When Senator John Cornyn asked Barrett to hold her notepad to see what she has been referring to, it was blank. When asked if it said anything, Barrett stated, "That letterhead that says United States Senate." However, this same day, Barrett was heavily criticized for using the term "sexual preference" instead of "sexual orientation." Because sexual preference implies that your sexual identity is a choice, Democrats are "offended" at the term. Even Merriam-Webster dictionary changed the definition of sexual preference to include that it is "offensive." However, even Joe Biden has said sexual preference, but it only becomes offensive when Barrett uses it.
On Day 3, Democrats continued to grill Barrett on topics, such as Roe v. Wade and climate change. Barrett said that Roe v. Wade is not "super precedent" because there is still debates with overruling. However, Barrett stated that Brown v. Board of Education is super precedent because it is unconstitutional to be segregated in education. Because of her statement about Roe, people believe that Barrett will attempt to overrule Roe. However, she stated that scholars "across the spectrum say that doesn't mean that Roe should be overruled."
On Day 4 (the final day), senators will hear from witnesses to discuss controversial topics, such as ObamaCare and voting rights.
The list below is what will follow the hearings for Barrett:
Thursday: Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on the nomination.
Next Friday: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he plans to put Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination on the Senate floor on Oct. 23.
The week of Oct. 26: According to McConnell's timeline, Barrett's final confirmation vote is teed up for the first half of the week of Oct. 26.