Mike Lindell held a 72-hour cyber symposium in South Dakota between August 10 to August 12. According to "experts," the size of attendees continually decreased throughout the three-day event. Before the event, Lindell claimed that he had tons of information regarding fraud in the 2020 presidential election. At the conference, Lindell stated, “For all Americans everywhere. Whether you’re a Democrat or Republican, you’re going to learn this. This was, this was China, you know, this was China coming in. Sure they had people here, we’ll find out that later."
The son of the Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro, was a guest speaker at the event. At one point, he gave Lindell a "Make America Great Again" hat, signed by former President Trump. Afterwards, he gave a speech regarding the fraud in the Brazil election. He claimed that Brazil's voting machines, just like America, were used to rig the country's elections.
The conference reflects a constant theme between Trump supporters, where supporters claim there is election fraud. Unfortunately, since November 2020, Republicans were clinching onto any possible evidence of voter fraud to prove that Trump won the election. However, many people came out claiming there was evidence of voter fraud, but never released it. First, Sidney Powell with "releasing the kraken," which amounted to nothing. Now, Lindell with his cyber symposium that also amounted to nothing. Both claimed there was voter fraud, but the claims fall through the cracks as they provide now hardcore evidence. Thus, many news articles stated that the event and Lindell's claims were "baseless" as they amounted to nothing.
While I believe that election fraud did occur, those claiming voter fraud NEEDS to prove that there was voter fraud. More people would believe these claims if there was better evidence to prove so.